Embrace the transformative journey of self-love and

the experience of Sacred Union


Are you longing to experience greater love, intimacy and connection?

Does your current relationship feel like it is lacking a deeper connection?

Do you feel a calling to experience a love that is not only compatible but soulful?


If so, then welcome!

Meet Your Love Coach Danielle…

I help people bridge the gap between your ordinary everyday connections to something much more meaningful and fulfilling.

More specifically, I teach people how to cultivate self love and become their ideal self, which has proven to set the strongest foundation for attracting their ideal partner. 

Through coaching, we will work together to create a strategy that defines the pathway toward your desired reality. I will hold you accountable toward living in alignment with your values and desired vision. My wisdom is inspired from many spiritual concepts and acknowledges a deeper connection that can be experienced to those who are willing to experience it. 

I am based in Atlanta, GA and reach clients across the globe through virtual sessions.


Take a look at my services and schedule a time to chat with me!


Through transformational 1:1 coaching I will support you on how to:

  • Experience self love and fulfillment with or without a partner
  • Be the main character of your story by overcoming the issues of your past and step into a new chapter in your life
  • Develop an effective, goal driven routine that I hold you accountable to
  • Be more relational with others by mastering your relationship with yourself
  • Be intentional in dating and attract your ideal relationship sooner
  • Thrive in your current relationship 


I offer mental health counseling as a licensed associate professional counselor (APC008002) for those who reside in the state of Georgia, under the supervision of Amanda Marks (LPC006862). Unlike coaching which targets a specific issue over a defined time period, counseling allows continual work to unfold with deeper processing of the past and any trauma related incidents.

I utilize the following types of therapy in my approach:

  • EMDR, Mindfulness, IFS Parts Work, and Acceptance and Commitment therapy, to name a few.
  • EMDR Intensives



“The quality of your life ultimately depends on the quality of your relationships . . . which are basically a reflection of your sense of decency, your ability to think of others, your generosity.”
Esther Perel

“The quality of your life ultimately depends on the quality of your relationships . . . which are basically a reflection of your sense of decency, your ability to think of others, your generosity.”
Esther Perel

Single or in a relationship?

Regardless of your relationship status, I will start with the focus being on what is your relationship with yourself. If you don’t love and respect yourself then how can you expect others to in the way you believe you deserve?

I will help you form a loving relationship with yourself so that the people that come into your life are not the source of your happiness, only the enhancers. We will navigate the difficulties in your relationships to look for patterns that may be impeding your ability to form deeper, more meaningful connections. Improving your level of intimacy in all areas of your life will be part of the foundation to our work. 

Experience Sacred Union

Sacred union is the pinnacle of a romantic partnership. It is the most conscious form of partnership that is rooted in love and acknowledgement of The Divine.

Although sacred union is rooted in love and security, it also encourages us to step into the highest version of ourselves by acknowledging unconcious patterns.

Because it encourages both partner’s personal growth and intentionality, it has the potential to have an impact that extends beyond those involved. 

Meeting my husband transformed my perception of relationships. Beyond the exhilarating experience of falling in love, there was an indescribable depth – a Source energy that transcends logical thought or what can be observed. This journey has empowered me to embrace the person I’ve become today. I cherish my present self, acknowledging the various versions I’ve encountered along the way with profound respect.

Click the link below to learn more about how to experience sacred union.



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Step into the most sacred version of yourself. 



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